Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bill Gates, The Genie and the Middle East

Bill Gates, the Genie, and the Middle East

Bill Gates, the head of Microsoft, is vacationing at an exclusive private resort on a secluded island in the South Pacific.Wandering along a deserted stretch of beach, Gates discovers a corroded old bottle, apparently washed up by the sea.As he works over the bottle with his sleeve to remove some of the debris of years, the cork pops out and a great genie comes billowing out.The genie declares in a booming voice: "I have been entrapped in this wretched bottle for a thousand years. As your reward for freeing me, I shall grant you any wish you desire!"Bill Gates, ever a thoughtful type, thinks about this for some time.At last he decides upon a wish. Looking the genie straight in the eye, Gates says, "The Middle East. I want lasting peace in the Middle East. That's my wish."The genie visibly flinches, and says, "It is true I can do great things. But this? Do you have some other wish, Master?"This time, Bill Gates is quick to reply: "Okay, fine. The whole planet hates Microsoft because I monopolized the software market. I want you to make the world love us, instead."The genie ponders this for some time, then says:
"Show me a map of the Middle East."


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