Monday, June 22, 2009

FREECYCLE ~ Don't throw it away - Give it away!

Don't throw it away - Give it away!

Freecycling is when a person passes on, for free, an unwanted item to another person who needs that item. From silverware to mobile homes, people worldwide are choosing to freecycle rather than discard. The practice frees up space in landfills and cuts down on the need to manufacture new goods. Thousands of groups dedicated to connecting people who want to give away something to people with a need are forming worldwide.

Here are three steps you can take to join the freecycling movement.

1. Find a freecycling group near you at Recycling Group Finder.

If you can’t find a group near you, consider starting one, either on your own or through organizations like the ReUseIt Network,, The Freeuse Network,, Sharing Is Giving or The Freecycle Network. Freecycling works best when the group members live geographically close because it’s more convenient and uses less energy when stuff is exchanged.

2. Each Freecycle group will have its own rules, so learn and abide by those rules. But commonly there are four kinds of posts: Wanted is you searching for an item; Found is telling others that you got what you were searching for; Offer is letting the group know what item you have to give away; and Taken is informing the group that you found a person who needed the item offered.

3. Before buying something, check to see if any one in your group is looking to get rid of the item you need. Before throwing an item in the trash, post an offer for the item to see if any one needs that item.

Now you're freecycling! It’s a simple, economical, emotionally rewarding and morally sound practice that can literally help save the Earth.

More Information:

* What to freecycle?

* What is freecycling etiquette?

* Include a Photo if you can-

* Writing a freecycle post-

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cancer New Moon and Summer Solstice

Cancer New Moon

June 22, 2009

3:35 PM, EDT

Washington, D.C.

Our New Moon this month is in the sign Cancer; the sign of Oceans and Onyx, of nourishment and New Zealand. As with all astrological phenomena, look to its exact placement in your chart and the aspect it creates to the points in your chart so to understand how personally you can implement these New Moon potentials into your realities. Along with the New Moon, we have the Summer Solstice, whose energies and potentials I will include in this forecast. Our New Moon is also a "Super Moon"; the Moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit, intensifying its energies.

Less than 38 hours before the culmination of the New Moon, we have the Summer Solstice occurring on June 21, 2009, 1:55 AM EDT. The ostensible dark time before the New Moon is known as the Balsamic Moon; a time which can be indicative of a shift in one’s destiny, or, in other words, a change in the direction in which we are expressing our energy. From a psychic dimension, I’ve sensed that since September 2008 the Earth has experienced a surge of "dark" energy; simply stated, Humanity has become more aware of energy which is not of a high-light vibration and that does not come from a place of the higher evolutionary self. This experience is to simply allow Humanity to be aware that such energy exists and that we, as a society, must make different choices if we are to continually remain in the light of the "All-That-Is".

As we progress towards the New Age, or the Age of Aquarius, we must continually be aware of and release any Darkness which may exist in ourselves and throughout Humanity. Before we can do this, we must first be aware that such energy exists. This is what the Universe has been inspiring for our Global community; that we become aware of the darkness and realities which no longer serve a greater purpose so that we have the opportunity to make choices that radiate a Humanitarian quality.

At the onset of the Summer Solstice, we have Pluto in Capricorn forming an opposition–-Full Moon aspect–-to the Sun in Cancer. This aspect could suggest that in the coming months, especially at the time of our back-to-back Lunar eclipses in July and August, we could see the rise of a dictator (Pluto) or an increase in aggressive acts of those in high-power, government positions or one who can be considered to be part of the Underworld (Pluto, again). I suggested in my last Full Moon forecast that during the Summer months could be one time when North Korea would continue its defiance and possibly launch another nuclear test. These planetary energies further support my prediction. Uranus forms an out-of-sign square to the Sun and Pluto in the Solstice chart, indicating the act would be very, very unexpected.

Saturn (the economy) is in Virgo for a harmonious trine to Venus and Mars conjunct in Taurus (finances), indicating the economy could continue on its path of stabilization. The full stability of the economy may not take place for another year; however, these energies show signs that the worst could very well be in the past. I hope I’m right about this one.

Also, China may experience some seismic activity and possibly another earthquake in the coming months.

Regarding the New Moon; the ongoing Jupiter / Neptune conjunction in Aquarius forms and out-of-sign trine to the New Moon at 1 degree of Cancer. This is an optimum time to direct our attention to the energy in our homes, especially from a Spiritual perspective. It would serve us well to know and understand our homes to be our Spiritual sanctuary and our personal sacred place. Cancer rules the home and in the New Moon chart cast for the Untied States, the Jupiter / Neptune conjunction is in the 4th house–-the astrological house representing the home. This powerful conjunction (New Moon aspect) in Aquarius in the 4th house supports the potential for creating a sacred, spiritual place in the home, one that radiates harmony and compassion towards Humanity.

At the onset of the New Moon, I suggest spending time in quiet meditation and reflect upon how you can personally transform your home into that sacred space. In the days after the New Moon, begin to implement what you have created in your mind and allow that conception to manifest in your home. We must first create that peacefulness in our self, then in our home, and then radiate that harmony to our global community so that we can create greater changes that benefit all of Humanity.

Pluto at 2 degrees of Capricorn forms a tight opposition to the Sun and Moon, indicating these energies to be more transformational and profound than we can imagine.

The 2012 time period is not the end of the world; that time period simply signifies the end of a living condition, thought process, mindset, which no longer serves every Human on this planet, regardless of one’s race, creed, color, sexual orientation, "class" status or age. The truth that "we are all one" is what we must allow to integrate into our consciousness before something bigger than ourselves does it for us. These New Moon energies offer Humanity the opportunity to prepare Spiritually for that powerful time in our Human evolution.

Blessed be.

© 2009 Raymond J. Sette