Saturday, November 07, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

British girl's heart heals itself after transplant

By MARIA CHENG, AP Medical Writer

LONDON – British doctors designed a radical solution to save a girl with major heart problems in 1995: they implanted a donor heart directly onto her own failing heart.

After 10 years with two blood pumping organs, Hannah Clark's faulty one did what many experts had thought impossible: it healed itself enough so that doctors could remove the donated heart.

But she also had a price to pay: the drugs Clark took to prevent her body from rejecting the donated heart led to malignant cancer that required chemotherapy.

Details of Clark's revolutionary transplant and follow-up care were published online Tuesday in the medical journal Lancet.

"This shows that the heart can indeed repair itself if given the opportunity," said Dr. Douglas Zipes, a past president of the American College of Cardiology. Zipes was not linked to Clark's treatment or to the Lancet paper. "The heart apparently has major regenerative powers, and it is now key to find out how they work."

In 1994, when Clark was eight months old, she developed severe heart failure and doctors put her on a waiting list to get a new heart. But Clark's heart difficulties caused problems with her lungs, meaning she also needed a lung transplant.

To avoid doing a risky heart and lung transplant, doctors decided to try something completely different.

Sir Magdi Yacoub of Imperial College London, one of the world's top heart surgeons, said that if Clark's heart was given a time-out, it might be able to recover on its own. So in 1995 Yacoub and others grafted a donor heart from a 5-month-old directly onto Clark's own heart.

After four and a half years, both hearts were working fine, so Yacoub and colleagues decided not to take out the extra heart.

The powerful drugs Clark was taking to prevent her from rejecting the donor heart then caused cancer, which led to chemotherapy. Even when doctors lowered the doses of drugs to suppress Clark's immune system, the cancer spread, and Clark's body eventually rejected the donor heart.

Luckily, by that time, Clark's own heart seemed to have fully recovered. In February 2006, Dr. Victor Tsang of Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, Yacoub and other doctors removed Clark's donor heart.

Since then, Clark — now 16 years old — has started playing sports, gotten a part-time job, and plans to go back to school in September.

"Thanks to this operation, I've now got a normal life just like all of my friends," said Clark, who lives near Cardiff.

Her parents marveled at her recovery, and said that at one point during Clark's illness, they were told she would be dead within 12 hours.

Miguel Uva, chairman of the European Society of Cardiology's group on cardiovascular surgery, called Clark's case "a miracle," adding that it was rare for patients' hearts to simply get better on their own.

"We have no way of knowing which patients will recover and which ones won't," Uva said.

Still, transplants like Clark's won't be widely available to others due to a shortage of donor hearts and because the necessary surgeries are very complicated. In the last few years, artificial hearts also have been developed that can buy patients the time needed to get a transplant or even for their own heart to recover.

Zipes said if doctors can figure out how Clark's heart healed itself and develop a treatment from that mechanism, many other cardiac patients could benefit.

At the moment, doctors aren't sure how that regeneration happens. Some think there are a small number of stem cells in the heart, which may somehow be triggered in crisis situations to heal damaged tissue.

Experts said Clark's example is encouraging both to doctors and patients.

"It reminds us that not all heart failure is lethal," said Dr. Ileana Pina, a heart failure expert at Case Western Reserve University and spokeswoman for the American Heart Association. "Some heart failure patients have a greater chance of recovery than we thought."


On the Net:

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Magazine eyes its heyday with relaunch - Saturday Evening Post to return to its roots

This is of particular interest to me, because I worked for The Saturday Evening Post (Curtis Publishing Company) in 1974/1975.

CHALLENGE: Jeff Nilsson oversees the Saturday Evening Post’s archives. The magazine has begun a yearlong effort to digitize its historical content and offer it online. - DARRON CUMMINGS / Associated Press

INDIANAPOLIS -- The Saturday Evening Post, a centuries-old publication that helped make illustrator Norman Rockwell a household name and showcased some of America's greatest writers, is returning to its roots to show readers the value of a quiet read in an increasingly frenetic digital age.

A redesign launching with its July/August issue combines the Post's hallmarks -- art and fiction -- with folksy commentary and health articles. The revamped Post promises a more relaxing option for people who do much of their reading online, or are simply tired of special-interest magazines crammed into tight niches.

"There is a void of magazines now that do emphasize art and creative writing and fiction," Publisher Joan SerVaas said.

But industry experts say the Post -- which traces its origins to Benjamin Franklin, though it had a hiatus from 1969 to 1971 -- risks alienating its core readers while trying to buck a decades-long shift away from general-interest magazines.

"The Saturday Evening Post is no longer my father's magazine; it's my grandfather's magazine," said Samir A. Husni, who publishes an annual guide to consumer magazines as director of the Magazine Innovation Center at the University of Mississippi.

Although the Post is making concessions to the digital age, through weekly updates to its Web site and a profile on the social-networking site Facebook, Husni said those efforts could shatter the habits of longtime readers without necessarily drawing new ones.

"Reading the magazine from A to Z should be a complete experience (so) that I don't need to go some other place to fulfill that experience," he said.

The magazine, whose circulation peaked at 6 million in 1960, now has 350,000 readers, most of whom are women over 45. That's low compared with the general interest, health and lifestyle magazines with which it competes, such as Prevention, with circulation of 3.3 million, and Guideposts, at 2 million.

Maureen Mercho, chief operating officer for the Post, said ad sales had dropped because of the recession, prompting the magazine to look for ways to broaden its base. "That probably pushed us" to do the redesign, she said.

Post officials also hope that by mixing the magazine's popular art and health features with such content as commentary by former CBS News "Sunday Morning" host Charles Osgood, poetry by Ray Bradbury and fiction by John Hemingway, grandson of Ernest Hemingway, the magazine could boost circulation to 500,000 in the coming years.

Mercho said some people are surprised that the Post still exists. She suspects that's because the magazine is primarily available only to subscribers; fewer than 5,000 copies an issue are sold on newsstands. But she believes the relaunch will increase awareness of the magazine.

To complement the magazine, the Post has relaunched its Web site, offering new posts each Saturday evening -- naturally -- with retrospective, art, blogs, health coverage and other content.

LONG HISTORY: This Dec. 19, 1899 edition of The Saturday Evening Post is shown in the magazine’s office in Indianapolis. The publication was founded as the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1728 by Benjamin Franklin. The name was changed to The Saturday Evening Post in 1821. - DARRON CUMMINGS / Associated Press

America's love affair with the Post and its predecessor date to 1728, when Benjamin Franklin founded the Pennsylvania Gazette in Philadelphia. New owners changed the publication's name to The Saturday Evening Post in 1821, but it remained a newspaper for decades.

By the 1870s, the content had shifted toward entertainment, with fiction on the front page. The page count began creeping up as the Post became a true magazine with more advertising, human interest features, fiction, poetry and cartoons.

George Horace Lorimer, who became editor in 1899, made the cover into an artists' showcase, featuring J.C. Leyendecker, N.C. Wyeth and others. In 1916, the Post began a nearly 50-year relationship with Norman Rockwell, whose cover work became a hallmark of the magazine.

But mass-market magazines suffered as reading habits changed, more people watched television and specialty publications became popular, Husni said.

The Post ceased publication in 1969, crumpling under financial pressure the TV-print war placed on parent Curtis Publishing. SerVaas' father, Beurt, revived the magazine in 1971 as a quarterly publication after Rockwell announced on television that Beurt SerVaas was considering bringing back the Post, generating broad interest.

The magazine, now published six times a year, has been in the family since, with Joan SerVaas becoming publisher in 2007. It is now owned by a not-for-profit group set up by the SerVaas family that also owns children's magazines Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty and Turtle.

Monday, June 22, 2009

FREECYCLE ~ Don't throw it away - Give it away!

Don't throw it away - Give it away!

Freecycling is when a person passes on, for free, an unwanted item to another person who needs that item. From silverware to mobile homes, people worldwide are choosing to freecycle rather than discard. The practice frees up space in landfills and cuts down on the need to manufacture new goods. Thousands of groups dedicated to connecting people who want to give away something to people with a need are forming worldwide.

Here are three steps you can take to join the freecycling movement.

1. Find a freecycling group near you at Recycling Group Finder.

If you can’t find a group near you, consider starting one, either on your own or through organizations like the ReUseIt Network,, The Freeuse Network,, Sharing Is Giving or The Freecycle Network. Freecycling works best when the group members live geographically close because it’s more convenient and uses less energy when stuff is exchanged.

2. Each Freecycle group will have its own rules, so learn and abide by those rules. But commonly there are four kinds of posts: Wanted is you searching for an item; Found is telling others that you got what you were searching for; Offer is letting the group know what item you have to give away; and Taken is informing the group that you found a person who needed the item offered.

3. Before buying something, check to see if any one in your group is looking to get rid of the item you need. Before throwing an item in the trash, post an offer for the item to see if any one needs that item.

Now you're freecycling! It’s a simple, economical, emotionally rewarding and morally sound practice that can literally help save the Earth.

More Information:

* What to freecycle?

* What is freecycling etiquette?

* Include a Photo if you can-

* Writing a freecycle post-

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cancer New Moon and Summer Solstice

Cancer New Moon

June 22, 2009

3:35 PM, EDT

Washington, D.C.

Our New Moon this month is in the sign Cancer; the sign of Oceans and Onyx, of nourishment and New Zealand. As with all astrological phenomena, look to its exact placement in your chart and the aspect it creates to the points in your chart so to understand how personally you can implement these New Moon potentials into your realities. Along with the New Moon, we have the Summer Solstice, whose energies and potentials I will include in this forecast. Our New Moon is also a "Super Moon"; the Moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit, intensifying its energies.

Less than 38 hours before the culmination of the New Moon, we have the Summer Solstice occurring on June 21, 2009, 1:55 AM EDT. The ostensible dark time before the New Moon is known as the Balsamic Moon; a time which can be indicative of a shift in one’s destiny, or, in other words, a change in the direction in which we are expressing our energy. From a psychic dimension, I’ve sensed that since September 2008 the Earth has experienced a surge of "dark" energy; simply stated, Humanity has become more aware of energy which is not of a high-light vibration and that does not come from a place of the higher evolutionary self. This experience is to simply allow Humanity to be aware that such energy exists and that we, as a society, must make different choices if we are to continually remain in the light of the "All-That-Is".

As we progress towards the New Age, or the Age of Aquarius, we must continually be aware of and release any Darkness which may exist in ourselves and throughout Humanity. Before we can do this, we must first be aware that such energy exists. This is what the Universe has been inspiring for our Global community; that we become aware of the darkness and realities which no longer serve a greater purpose so that we have the opportunity to make choices that radiate a Humanitarian quality.

At the onset of the Summer Solstice, we have Pluto in Capricorn forming an opposition–-Full Moon aspect–-to the Sun in Cancer. This aspect could suggest that in the coming months, especially at the time of our back-to-back Lunar eclipses in July and August, we could see the rise of a dictator (Pluto) or an increase in aggressive acts of those in high-power, government positions or one who can be considered to be part of the Underworld (Pluto, again). I suggested in my last Full Moon forecast that during the Summer months could be one time when North Korea would continue its defiance and possibly launch another nuclear test. These planetary energies further support my prediction. Uranus forms an out-of-sign square to the Sun and Pluto in the Solstice chart, indicating the act would be very, very unexpected.

Saturn (the economy) is in Virgo for a harmonious trine to Venus and Mars conjunct in Taurus (finances), indicating the economy could continue on its path of stabilization. The full stability of the economy may not take place for another year; however, these energies show signs that the worst could very well be in the past. I hope I’m right about this one.

Also, China may experience some seismic activity and possibly another earthquake in the coming months.

Regarding the New Moon; the ongoing Jupiter / Neptune conjunction in Aquarius forms and out-of-sign trine to the New Moon at 1 degree of Cancer. This is an optimum time to direct our attention to the energy in our homes, especially from a Spiritual perspective. It would serve us well to know and understand our homes to be our Spiritual sanctuary and our personal sacred place. Cancer rules the home and in the New Moon chart cast for the Untied States, the Jupiter / Neptune conjunction is in the 4th house–-the astrological house representing the home. This powerful conjunction (New Moon aspect) in Aquarius in the 4th house supports the potential for creating a sacred, spiritual place in the home, one that radiates harmony and compassion towards Humanity.

At the onset of the New Moon, I suggest spending time in quiet meditation and reflect upon how you can personally transform your home into that sacred space. In the days after the New Moon, begin to implement what you have created in your mind and allow that conception to manifest in your home. We must first create that peacefulness in our self, then in our home, and then radiate that harmony to our global community so that we can create greater changes that benefit all of Humanity.

Pluto at 2 degrees of Capricorn forms a tight opposition to the Sun and Moon, indicating these energies to be more transformational and profound than we can imagine.

The 2012 time period is not the end of the world; that time period simply signifies the end of a living condition, thought process, mindset, which no longer serves every Human on this planet, regardless of one’s race, creed, color, sexual orientation, "class" status or age. The truth that "we are all one" is what we must allow to integrate into our consciousness before something bigger than ourselves does it for us. These New Moon energies offer Humanity the opportunity to prepare Spiritually for that powerful time in our Human evolution.

Blessed be.

© 2009 Raymond J. Sette

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Life's Navel - OM

These passages from the Book OM below were translated
by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg.

The original German text is followed by English translation.

Auf keine Weise vermag man die Ungerechten zu hüten.
OM 53:344

(In no manner is one able to protect the unrighteous.)

Wer die Lehren des Giestes nicht kennt, der ist nicht ein Freund der Wahrheit.

(He who does not know the teachings of the spirit
is not a friend of the truth.)

Es gibt keine höhre Tugend als die Wahrheit und keine schlimmere Schuld als die Lüge.
OM 53:370

(There is no higher virtue than the truth
and no worse fault than a lie.)

Die Wahrheit ist stets die Richtschnur in allen Dingen. Harte Worte sind stets die Richtschnur der Wahrheit. Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit klingen hart und unbeugsam. Wahrheit ist so hart wie Felsgestein. Selbst Schwache werden von der Lüge nicht bezwungen, wenn sie um die Wahrheit wissen.
OM 53:489-503

(The truth is always the guideline in all things.
Hard words are always the guideline to the truth.
Truth and justice sound hard and inflexible.
Truth is as hard as rock.
Even the weak will not be defeated by the lie
if they know the truth.)

The following is an unauthorized preliminary translation
by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine of
of material.
It may contain errors.

January 2006


1. Im Namen der Schöpfung, der Weisen, de Gerechten.

1. In the name of Creation, the wise, the righteous.

2. Preis sei der Schöpfung, die in allen Dingen ist.

2. Praised be Creation that is in all things.

3. Und es wiedergibt der Prophet ein Wort von Semjase, der Tochter des JHWH Ptaah.

3. And the prophet again gives a word from Semjase, the daughter of JHWH (pronounced Ischwisch¹) Ptaah.

4. Der wirklich Geistig -Strebende ist ein edler Künstler.

4. The really spiritually and consciously striving one is a noble artist.

5. Zarten Geistes, sanften Wesens, voller Liebe, Wissen, Weisheit und grossen Sinnes ist er höchst empfindsam für Wahrheit, Ausgeglichenheit, Schönheit und geistigen Fortschritt.

5.Tender spirit, gentle presence, full of love, knowledge, wisdom and great mind, he has the highest sensitivity for truth, balance, beauty, and spiritual consciousness progress.

6. Sein Leben ist beherrscht, geläutert und erhaben und seine Perspektiven sind sehr weit.

6. His life is controlled, pure, and elevated and his perspectives are very wide.

7. Sein ganzer Sinn ist grossmütig, und Schönheit drückt sich in seinem schlichten Leben voll geistiger Würde aus.

7. His entire sense is magnanimous and beauty presses itself into his plain life full of spiritual dignity.

8. Seine innere Ruhe bringt eine Schönheit, die kein Künstler zu malen und kein Dichter in Worten zu schildern vermag.

8. His inner peace brings a beauty that no artist can paint and no poet may describe in words.

9. Seine geistige Reinheit übt eine Anziehungskraft aus, die durch keine noch so harmonische Musik ausgedrückt werden kann.

9. His spiritual purity exercises a power of attraction that no music, yet so harmonic, can express.

10. Seine Sicherheit kann durch nichts gleichgestellt werden, und seinem Streben und Ziel kann durch keine Grenzen ein Ende gesetzt werden.

10. His security cannot be put on a par with anything and no boundaries can put an end to his striving and goal.

11. Seine Weisheit ist ein immer gegenwärtiges Licht, das ins tiefste Dunkel leuchtet.

11. His wisdom is an ever present light which illuminates the deepest darkness.

12. Es ist nicht wie ein Licht eines Tages, das von der Dunkelheit der Nacht überwältigt werden kann.

12. It is not like a light of the day that can be overcome by the darkness of the night.

13. Es ist auch nicht ähnlich dem Licht eines grossen menschlichen Denkers, das gerade immer dann versagt, und dies auch öfters tut, wenn er gerade am meisten dessen bedarf. 13. It is also not similar to the light of a great human thinker who entirely always then denies it, and this he also often does if he especially requires it the most.

14. Seine Gegenwart ist ein allgegenwärtiger Erguss der Ewigkeit, der nie vergeht, während der Duft der schönsten und wohlriechendsten Rose oder Orchidee der Welt dahinschwindet und in den Zeiten des Endlosen verschwindet.

14. His presence is an all-present outpouring of the eternity, that never passes away, while the scent of the most beautiful and most fragrant rose or orchid of the world fades away and disappears in the times of the endlessness.

15. Es ist absolut unwahr, dass der Mensch das Mass aller Dinge ist, denn das Mass aller Dinge ist der Geist.

15. It is absolutely untrue that the human is the measure of all things, because the measure of all things is the spirit.

16. Der Mensch selbst ist ein sehr vielschichtiges Wesen, und seine verschiedenen Hüllen verbergen andern seine wirkliche Persönlichkeit.

16. The human himself is a very multi-layered being, and his various shells conceal other parts of his real personality.

17. Wohl vermag er sich mit seinem grobstofflichen physischen Körper zu identifizieren und dessen Bedürfnissen zu entsprechen, und er vermag sich dem bewussten Verstand gleichzusetzen oder seine Einheit mit dem wirklichen Selbst seiner selbst zu fühlen, das ewiger unvergänglicher Zeuge beider ist, doch sich selbst zu kreieren vermag er nicht.

17. Indeed he may identify with his coarse material physical body and correspond to its requirements, and he may equate himself with the conscious understanding, or himself feel his oneness with the real self of himself, which is the eternal, imperishable witness of both, yet he may not create himself.

18. Alle die vitalen Zwecke - so wertvoll sie an ihrem menschlichen Orte auch immer sein mögen - können auf die Dauer das geistige Wesen nicht unter ihrer Versklavung behalten und unterjochen, ohne die ureigenste Persönlichkeit in völlige Unordnung zu bringen.

18. All the vital intentions - so valuable as they always may be in their human place - cannot, in the long run, hold the consciousness essence under their enslavement or subjugate it, without bringing the innate personality into total disorder.

19. Im ungeistigen Menschen nimmt der materielle Intellekt mit all seinen gegebenen Grenzen den allerhöchsten Platz ein und hat dadurch eine ungeheuer langsame Entwicklung des Geistes zur Folge.

19. In the un-creational thinking human the material intellect, with all its given restrictions, takes the highest-most place and through this has to result a monstrously slow development of the spirit and the consciousness.

20. Der geistige Intellekt muss ganz bewusst entwickelt werden, denn es genügt nicht, zu denken, dass er sich von selbst in höhere Formen bewege.

20. The spiritual intellect must be quite consciously developed through the consciousness, because it is not sufficient to think that it moves in higher forms of its own volition.

21. Der menschlich-materielle Intellekt vermag sich nur in einem in sich vollkommenen Kreis von Möglichkeiten zu bewegen.

21. The human material intellect may only move in a perfect circle of possibilities.

22. Immer bleibt er an der Oberfläche des Objektes stecken und vermag nicht in dasselbe einzudringen und eins mit ihm zu werden, denn ohne eine vollständige Identität mit dem Objekt ist dessen Kenntnis absolut unmöglich.

22. Always it remains stuck on the surface of the objects and may not impress into them and become one with them because without a complete identity with the object its knowledge is absolutely impossible.

23. Will ein Mensch so seinen Mitmenschen kennen, dann muss er sich mit diesem identifizieren können.

23. If a human wants to know his fellow humans, then he must be able to identify with them.

24. Und will ein Mensch eine Materie kennen, dann muss er sich mit ihr identifizieren können.

24. And if a human wants to know a material, then he must likewise be able to identify with it.

25. Der materielle Intellekt nimmt das Zeugnis der materiellen Sinne und deren daraus abgeleitete Schlussfolgerungen an, weist aber die tiefsten subjektiven Eingebungen zurück.

25. The material intellect takes on the testimony of the material mind and the resulting deduced logical conclusions, but rejects the deepest subjective inspiration.

26. Tiefgründige Einsicht enthüllt dem Menschen die Erkenntnis, dass noch etwas mehr in ihm ist als was ihm sein gewöhnliches Bewusstsein vermittelt, etwas, das der Ursprung aller Gedanken, Empfindungen und Gefühle ist, eine feinere geistige Gegenwart, die ihn bei bloss materiellen Bestrebungen immer unbefriedigt lässt.

26. Deep-grounded insight reveals to the human the understanding that yet something more is in him than that which is transmitted by his usual consciousness, something that is the origin of all thoughts, perceptions and feelings, a finer consciousness and spiritual presence, that always leaves him unsatisfied with bare material striving.

27. Die Doktrin, dass der gewöhnliche materielle Zustand des Menschen nicht die wirkliche und endgültige Stufe des Lebens ist, dass er ein tieferes durchdringenderes Leben im Leben selbst besitzt, ein wahres Selbst, einen unsterblichen Geist, ein Licht, das nie und durch nichts ausgelöscht werden kann, hat die Geistdenker aller Universen über aller Grosszeiten hinweg immer wieder in Anspruch genommen.

27. The doctrine that the usual material state of the human is not the real and final grade of the life, that he possess a deeper, more penetrating life in life itself, a true self, an immortal spirit, a light that never, and through nothing, can be extinguished, had always been claimed by the thinkers of all times and all universes over all great times.

28. Alle grossen Geistdenker aller Universen erheben immer wieder die einstimmige Forderung, das eigentliche Selbst, das Leben des Lebens kennnenzulernen.

28. All great spiritual thinkers of all the universes always raise again the unanimous demand that the actual self gets to know the life of life.

29. Während der körperliche Organismus sich jeden Moment verändert, und die Gedanken wie Windböen aufwallen und wieder verschwinden, geht das wirkliche Selbst nie verloren.

29. While the bodily organism itself changes every moment, and the thoughts well up like gusts of wind and again disappear, the real self is never lost.

30. Es durchdringt restlos alles, wenngleich es von allem grundverschieden ist, denn seine Form ist rein geistig.

30. It penetrates everything completely, although it is entirely different from everything, because its form is pure spiritual.

31. Es ist der grundlegende Ursprung allen Identitätsempfindens durch unzählige Verwandlungen hindurch.

31. It is the fundamental origin of all sense of identity through innumerable transformations.

32. Es nimmt in jeder Art und Form alle Dinge in sich auf und bleibt doch immer sich selbst - unveränderbar und im ewigen Gleichmass seiner eigenen Grösse.

32. It takes all things in any kind and form in on itself and yet remains always itself – unalterable, and in the eternal symmetry of its own size.

33. Es ist eine unveränderliche Grösse innerhalb der mannigfachen Tätigkeiten des Universums und überhaupt der Universen.

33. It is an unalterable size inside of the manifold activities of the universe and indeed the universes.

34. Die menschlich begrenzte Persönlichkeit ist sich selbst nur von Zeit zu Zeit bewusst, dazwischen liegen grosse Bewusstseinslücken.

34. The human-restricted personality is itself only from time to time conscious. In between times lie great holes in the consciousness.

35. Doch selbst wenn der Tod den Menschen erreicht, kann der Seher und Erkenner in ihm, der Geist, nicht sterben, denn als Teilstück der Schöpfung ist er von ewiger Dauer.

35. Yet when the human reaches death, the seer and knower in him - the spirit - cannot die, because, as a fragment of the Creation, it is of eternal duration.

36. Auf der objektiven Seite kann nichts das beobachtende subjektive Selbst berühren.

36. On the objective side, nothing can touch the watching, subjective self.

37. Dieses für ewige Zeiten bestehende Selbst, welches das Leben des Lebens ist, kann zwar nicht materiell bewiesen werden, da es rein geistiger Form und Natur ist, doch aber bedarf es für ein vernunftbegabtes Wesen keines Beweises, denn der Geist selbst ist sein eigener Beweis.

37. This self, existing for eternity, which is the life of the lives, can surely not be proven materially because it is of pure spiritual form and nature, yet it requires no evidence for a being gifted with rationality, because the spirit itself is its own evidence.

38. Nur in bewusstseinsmässiger Armut lebende Wesen fordern daher Beweise für die Existenz des Geistes, denn in ihrer denkerischen Primitivität vermögen sie nicht die Existenz aus den geistigen Taten und Vorkommnissen zu erkennen.

38. Only in beings living in poverty of consciousness is evidence demanded for the existence of the spirit, because in their primitive thinking they cannot recognize its existence from the spiritual acts and events.

39. Der Geist selbst ist das Grundsubstratum jedes Wissensvorganges und er selbst belebt jedes Organ und jede Fähigkeit, aus dem Drang der Entwicklung und der Lebensbestehung heraus.

39. The spirit itself is the basic foundation of any knowledge processes and it itself enlivens any organ and any capability, out of the impulse for development and the existence of life.

40. Der Geist, dieses universale Selbst, wird infolge mentaler Unreinheiten mit dem empirischen Selbst verwechselt.

40. As a consequence of mental impurity, the spirit, the universal self, would be mistaken for the empirical self.

41. Wenn der Mensch die das Selbst umgebenden Schleier durchbricht und die Hüllen des materiellen Dranges abnimmt, die es einengen und bedecken, erlangt er augenblicklich - im physischen Körper - die Bestimmung seines SEINs.

41. If the human breaks through the veil that surrounds the self and removes the shells of the material pressure that restrict and cover it, he momentarily obtains, in the physical body, the determination of his BEING.

42. Das innere geistige SEIN, das Leben des Lebens selbst, das unendlich einfach und unkompliziert ist, bildet eine zweiteilige Einheit von transzendentaler Wirklichkeit, Erkenntnis, Wissen, Weisheit, Liebe und Freiheit.

42. The inner spiritual BEING, the life of life itself, which is infinitely simple and uncomplicated, forms a two-part unity of transcendental reality, cognition, knowledge, wisdom, love and freedom.

43. Der Mensch ist kein blosses biologisches Phänomen.

43. The human is no mere biological phenomenon.

44. In ihm ist ein geistbedingter psychischer Organismus in geistiger Form, der mit latenten Potentialitäten, mit der Macht aller schöpferischen Kräfte geladen ist.

44. In him is a spiritually conditioned psychic organism in spiritual form, which with latent potentialities, is laden with the might of all creational powers.

45. Ein philosophischer Einblick in das psychische Wesen des Menschen zwingt zum Erkennen und Wissen an die Wirklichkeit des kosmischen Bewusstseins, der schöpferischen Lebenskraft, als Grundlage und Leben psychischer Wesenheiten.

45. A philosophical glimpse in the psychic being of the human forces to recognition and knowledge the reality of the cosmic consciousness, the creational power of life, as the basis and life of psychic substances.

46. Der Mensch darf den Menschen nicht bloss auf seiner bilogischen und mentalen, sondern auch auf der psychischen und geistigen Ebene erfassen.

46. The human cannot comprehend humans merely on their biological and mental planes, rather also on the psychic and spiritual planes.

47. Alles was der Mensch ererbt, alles was er durch milliardenfache Existenz aus der Vergangenheit mitbringt, alles was er in diesem oder in einem vergangenen Leben genossen, gekannt, gelesen, gelernt oder erlebt hat, liegt in seinem Unterbewusstsein verborgen.

47. Everything that the human inherits, everything that he brings with him through the billion-fold existence of the past, everything that he enjoyed, knew, read, learnt or experienced in this or in past lives, lies concealed in his unconsciousness.

48. Warum beherrscht er also nicht die Technik der Konzentration, und warum befiehlt er nicht seinem Unterbewusstsein und macht vollen Gebrauch von all seinem Wissen und Können?

48. Why, therefore, does he not master the technique of concentration, and why does he not order his unconsciousness and make full use of all his knowledge and ability?

49. Die Sehnsucht nach all seinem Wissen und Können, nach den Erfahrungen und nach der Weisheit liegen noch tief in ihm verborgen.

49. The yearning after all his knowledge and ability, after the experience and after the wisdom, lies yet hidden deep in him.

50. Er muss nur die Wahrheit erkennen und akzeptieren, sie also anerkennen und nutzbar machen.

50. He must only recognise and accept the truth in order, therefore, to acknowledge and utilize it.

51. Dazu aber ist es erforderlich, seine eigene Dummheit zu bekämpfen, und anzuerkennen, dass der materielle Intellekt keinen Menschen ausmacht, wenn er nicht auch in gleichen Massen mit dem geistigen Intellekt zusammenarbeitet.

51. But for this it is required that he fight his own stupidity and acknowledge that the material intellect constitutes no human, if it does not also, in the same measure, work together with the spiritual intellect.

52. Wenn das geschieht und der Mensch seinen Geist erkennt, wird die ganze, in früheren Leben gesammelte Fülle von Wissen und Weisheit, Können, Freiheit, Liebe und Frieden wieder erstehen und ihm reichlich zugute kommen.

52. If that happens, and the human recognises his spirit, the entire abundance of knowledge, wisdom, ability, freedom, love and peace collected in earlier lives comes about again and richly benefits him.

53. Wissen, Macht, Kraft, Weisheit, Freiheit und Liebe sind das schöpferische Erbe des Absoluten: Sie sind des Menschen Geburtsrecht.

53. Knowledge, might, power, wisdom, freedom and love are the creational inheritance of the absolutenesses: They are the human birthright.

54. Er ist ein Zentrum von Gedanken, Macht, Kraft und Einfluss auf alles und jedes.

54. It is a centre of thoughts, might, power and influence on everything and anything.

55. Er hat wohl einen Körper, aber er ist nicht der Körper selbst.

55. It certainly has a body, but it is not the body itself.

56. Der Körper ist nur ein Instrument und ein Diener des Geistes, seine Behausung ist aber nicht sein Gefängnis.

56. The body is only an instrument and a servant of the spirit, it is its housing but not its prison.

57. Der Körper ist der Tempel des strahlenden Geistes, des selbstleuchtenden inneren Lebens, des schöpferischen Selbst.

57. The body is the temple of the radiating spirit, the self-illuminating inner life, the creational self.

58. Der Körper ist die Burg des Geistes, der alle Kräfte in Bewegung bringt.

58. The body is the castle of the spirit, which brings all powers into motion.

59. Der Mensch wisse daher, dass er auch den Hauch des Geistes atmet und nicht nur den körperlichen Atem.

59. Thus the human knows, that he also breathes the breath of the spirit and not only the bodily breath.

60. Der Mensch lernt seinen Geist nur durch Meditation, durch innere Einkehr kennen, durch tiefes Versinken in die stillsten Kammern des geistigen Selbst und indem er den Spiegel des inneren Lebens direkt in Augenschein nimmt.

60. The human learns of his spirit only through meditation, through knowing inner contemplation, through deep sinking in the stillest chamber of the spiritual self and in which he takes the mirror of the inner life directly in view.

61. Er darf es jedoch nicht auf die Art und Weise tun, wie es den Erdenmenschen von religiösen Betrügern vorgegaukelt wird, denn diese 'Meditation' ist keine geistige Schau, sondern nur ein phantasievolles Freisetzen von irrealen Vorstellungswünschen.

61. He may not, however, do it in the form and way as the Earth human does who would be led up the garden path by religious deceivers, because this 'meditation’ is no spiritual look, rather only a fantasy-filled discharge of unreal wishes of the imagination.

62. Wirkliche Meditation in geistiger Form erfordert ein Verständnisgewinnen gegenüber seinem eigenen SEIN und Selbst, und ein sich die beiden Tatsachen vor Augen halten, dass die Existenz der ewigen Realität und Wahrheit und die eingewurzelte Einheit aller Manifestationen vom Stern bis zur Form der Substanz, von der Natur bis zum geistigen Leben, allesamt nur eins sind in schöpferischer Bilanz.

62. Real meditation in spiritual form requires a gaining of understanding regarding his own BEING and self, and that one holds both facts before the eyes that the existence of the eternal reality and truth and the rooted-in oneness of all manifestations - from the star to the form of the substance, from nature to the spiritual life - are altogether only one in creational balance.

63. Jeder Mensch ist in seiner innersten Essenz eine Manifestation der Schöpfung, und nur deshalb ist es jedermann möglich, mit dem Unendlichen eins zu werden.

63. Every human is, in his innermost essence, a manifestation of Creation, and only therefore is it possible for everyone to become one with the infinite.

64. Das Nachdenken über diese Wahrheiten der essentiellen Existenz des Schöpferischen erzeugt Wissen und Gewissheit.

64. The contemplation of these truths, of the essential existence of the Creational, engenders knowledge and certainty.

65. Die direkte Schau der Wahrheit ersetzt alle nutzlosen Einwände; die Verwirklichung der Wahrheit macht alles bis ins Feinste klar und erklärt sich selbst.

65. The direct look at the truth replaces all useless objections; the realisation of the truth makes everything clear to the finest detail, and clarifies itself.

66. Das Leben auf Erden bietet dem Menschen kein völliges Genügen, ist nicht das Ganze; das Wirkliche befindet sich jenseits vom Materiellen.

66. The life on Earth offers the human no complete satisfaction: it is not the entirety - the real finds itself on the other side of the material.

67. Das materielle Leben dient nur als Leiter, um das Feinseitige, das Geistige zu erreichen.

67. The material life serves only as a guide, in order to reach the fine-sided, the spiritual.

68. Das materielle Leben ist nur das Tätigkeitsgebiet, das dem Menschen Bedingungen und Zwecke liefert, um Beziehungen mit dem Geiste und dem Allergrössten, dem Schöpferischen anzuknüpfen.

68. The material life is only the area of activity that delivers the human conditions and purposes in order to tie relationships together with the spirit and the greatest of all, the creational.

69. Es ist völlig falsch, das Blickfeld des Lebens nur auf die wahrnehmba ren Phänomene zu beschränken und die Wertschätzungen vom objektiven Wert der Dinge bestimmen zu lassen.

69. It is completely wrong to restrict the field of view of life only to the observable phenomena and to allow the determination of the valuations of the objective worth of things.

70. Die Hoheit und Grösse des Lebens hängt davon ab, inwieweit es zum Gesetz des innersten Lebens im höchsten Wesen emporgehoben wird.

70. The majestic dignity and extent of life depends on how far it would be elevated to the laws of the innermost life in the highest essence.

71. Die Beziehungen zwischen den Menschen sind nur so lange gerechtfertigt als sie sich nicht von den ewigen Gesetzen der geistigen Natur ablenken.

71. The relationships between humans are only justified so long as they themselves are not diverted from the eternal laws of the spiritual nature.

72. Weder soziales Wohlergehen, noch nationale Verbesserung sind durch blosses Sich-an-Schatten-heften und Ausserachtlassen der wesentlichen Substanz möglich.

72. Neither social welfare, nor national improvements are possible through merely adhering to shadows, and flinging the essential substance in the wind.

73. Der Kern der Wahrheit gehört nicht einem einzelnen Menschen allein, denn die Wahrheit bildet SEIN und Leben von allem überhaupt was existiert.

73. The kernel of truth belongs not to a single human alone, because the truth forms BEING and life from everything which actually exists.

74. Nur das, was eins und gemeinsam ist, kann unteilbar und alleinschliessend innerhalb einer selbst-identischen Existenz sein.

74. Only that which is one, and held in common, can be, impartially and all-inclusively, within a self-identical existence.

75. Dies ist der volle Umfang des Erreichten und der Kulminationspunkt aller Aspirationen und Ideale des Lebens.

75. This is the full extent of the reach and the culmination point of all aspirations and ideals of life.

76. In dieser integralen geistigen Auffassung des Lebens ist die ethische Grundlage der sozialen und der häuslichen Beziehung verwurzelt.

76. The ethical basis of social and domestic relations is rooted in this integral spiritual comprehension of life.

77. Die Gesellschaft ist die Gesamtheit der Individuen, dazu bestimmt, durch die Schleier hindurchzudringen und in die Reiche des unsterblichen SEINs einzugehen, in die Schöpfung selbst.

77. Society is the totality of the individuals, determined thereto to penetrate the veil and go in to the realm of the immortal BEING, into Creation itself.

78. Die menschlichen Verbindungen bedeuten nichts weniger als das Bestreben, im täglichen Leben einer geistigen Form zu leben, die im tiefen Hintergrund aller existierenden Wesen da ist, die aber in Ermangelung der Wahrheit nicht gefunden werden kann.

78. The human interconnections mean nothing less than the striving, in daily life, to live in a spiritual form, which is there in the deep background of all existing beings, but which cannot be found in a deficiency of truth.

79. Dadurch geht die Liebe zum Geistigen mehr und mehr verloren, und des Menschen Sinn wendet sich mehr und mehr dem Materiellen und seinem materiellen Intellekt zu.

79. Thereby (in a lack of truth) the love of the spiritual is more and more lost, and the human sense turns itself more and more to the material and to his material intellect.

80. Altruistische Liebe ist die Aeusserung der sichtbaren Uebereinstimmung mit dem unendlichen Leben, das im gesamten Universum liegt.

80. Altruistic love is the expression of the visible consonance with infinite life, which lies in the entire universe.

81. Wenn die Familie oder die Gesellschaft oder die Nation als Trennungs­mittel des einen vom andern aufgefasst wird, dann kann - wie gross auch immer das Ziel des Zusammenschlusses der menschlichen Wesen sein mag - eine solche Familie, Gesellschaft oder Nation niemals Erfolg haben.

81. If the family or society or the nation would be construed as a means of separation of one from another, then, as great as the goal of the coming together of the human being always may be, such a family, society or nation can never succeed.

82. Jede noch so kleinste Verbindung muss in die absolute Einheit münden, welche nicht ein Jota von sich ausschliesst.

82. Even the tiniest connection must disembogue in the absolute oneness, which excludes not one iota from itself.

83. Diese Wahrheit muss während der Alltagsarbeit dem Menschen stets vor Augen bleiben, wenn sein Tun und Handeln und sein Denken frei von Selbstsucht und in Harmonie mit den Universal geschehen sein sollen.

83. This truth must remain before the eyes of the human during everyday work, if his deeds and behavior and his thoughts are to be free from selfishness and in harmony with universal events.

84. Das Leben ist eine Lehre des Geistes für den Geist.

84. Life is a spiritual teaching for the spirit.

85. Das richtige Verhalten der Familie und die Verwaltung des Landes und der Gesellschaft bilden einen Teil der universalen Bestimmungen, welche die Gesamtheit der Wesen mit streng unparteiischen Gesetzen ausgestattet haben.

85. The correct behavior of the family, and the administration of the countries and society, forms a part of the universal determination which has equipped the totality of the being with severe impartial laws.

86. Der Mensch lebt weil die Schöpfung existiert, und sein Leben muss so ausgeglichen und vollkommen werden, wie die Schöpfung selbst ausgeglichen und vollkommen ist.

86. The human lives because the Creation exists, and his life must be as balanced and perfect as the Creation itself is balanced and perfect.

87. Der Mensch lebt im Schöpfungs-SEIN, er atmet und schwebt in ihm.

87. The human lives in Creation’s BEING. It breathes and is suspended in him.

88. Der Mangel am Geistigen, für das es wert ist zu leben, oder das Bedürfnis einer praktischen Lebensphilosophie und Lebenspsychologiein der heutigen Zeit, ist vielfach verantwortlich für die Krise im Leben der Menschen und in ihren Belangen.

88. The lack of the spiritual, because of its value to life, or the requirement of a practical life philosophy and life psychology of the current time, is manifoldly responsible for the crisis in the life of people, and in their concerns.

89. Schon seit langer Zeit hat der sich 'modern' schimpfende Mensch grosse, Anstrengungen unternommen, Frieden und Freiheit zu finden; doch aber sind bisher alle seine Bemühungen fruchtlos verweht und entwichen.

89. Already for a long time the human, abused with the name “modern”, has undertaken great striving to find peace and freedom, yet, but until now, all his efforts have fruitlessly blown away and escaped.

90. In Ermangelung wirklichen Wissens und der Wahrheit einer gesunden vernünftigen Lebensart, die ihm inneres und wirkliches Gleichgewicht und Ruhe schenken würden, hat er sich abnormalen Ideologien und verderblichen, gefährlichen und schädlichen religiösen Philosophien verschrieben, die ihn in noch grössere bewusstseinsmässige Armut führen und vom eigentlichen Leben fernhalten.

90. Lacking real knowledge and the truth about a healthy reasonable lifestyle, which would give him inner, and real, balance and tranquility, he has devoted himself to abnormal ideologies and corrupting, dangerous and damaging religious philosophies that lead him into yet greater poverty of consciousness, and distance him from actual life.

91. Der natürliche Menschenverstand wehrt sich zwar dagegen, den Kreis ungeeigneter irrealer religiöser Dogmen in das Quadrat der fordernden Wahrheit hineinpressen zu lassen, die ganz besonders durch die Neuzeit der Wassermann-Aera durch neue Religionsfanatiker und Betrüger zur blü­henden Existenz gebracht werden, doch aber ist zur gegenwärtigen Zeit der Religionswahnsinn noch zu stark verbreitet, um eine nützliche Abwehr in grossem Masse erstellen zu können.

91. The natural human understanding indeed defends itself against the pressing into the square of required truth of the cycle of unsuitable, unreal religious dogmas, that quite especially would be brought to flourishing existence through the new time of the Aquarius era, by new religious fanatics and deceivers, yet, at the present time, however, the religious delusion is still too strongly spread to be able to construct, in great measure, a useful defense.

92. Die religiösen Irrphilosophien mit ihren kolossalen Wirrnissen und Wahnansprüchen setzen im Menschen die innere Kraft herab, welche den Geist des Menschen aufrecht erhalten würde und ihm helfen könnte, sein Streben, sich selbst zu übertreffen, zur Blüte zu bringen, und es ihm möglich machen würde, inneres Wachstum und Frieden zu erlangen, die im richtigen Verhältnis zu den äusseren Errungenschaften und Gegebenheiten stehen.

92. The erroneous religious philosophies, with their colossal confusions and delusional claims, degrade the inner power in the human, which the spirit of the human would hold upright and which could help him, in his striving, to surpass himself, to bring to bloom, and make possible for him to obtain, inner growth and peace, which stand in the correct proportions with the external acquisitions and conditions.

93. Als Antwort auf eine langempfundene Notwedigkeit haben da und dort Erdenmenschen, die fälschlicherweise als führende Denker bezeichnet werden, persönliche aber gefährlich-irreale Anstrengungen unternommen, das angeblich Beste aus den Religionen herauszunehmen und mit dem modernen Denken in eine Einheit zu bringen, um so eine neue Lebensphilosophie und Lebenspsychologie für die heutige Menschheit herauszuarbeiten.

93. As an answer to a long perceived need, here and there, Earth people, who have wrongly been labeled as leading thinkers, have undertaken personal, but dangerously unreal, strivings to take the alleged best out of the religions and bring them into a unity with modern thinking in order to work out a new philosophy of life and new psychology of life for today’s humanity.

94. Doch diese angeblichen und irrealen Denker beachten dabei nicht, dass sie dadurch den Religionswahnsinn abermals vermehren, aus der Unkenntnis heraus, dass sie selbst sehr böse in irrealen Religionen gefangen sind und folglich nur ihnen entsprechend irreal zu denken und handeln vermögen: irreal, wahnsinnig, wahngläubisch, mörderisch und bewusstseinsmässig arm.

94. Yet these alleged, and unreal, thinkers do not notice that they thereby, once again, increase the religious delusion, out of ignorance of the fact that they themselves are very badly imprisoned in unreal religions, and, subsequently, may only think corresponding to them, and behave in unreal ways: unreal, delusional, delusionally-believing, murderous and poor in consciousness.

95. Aus naheliegenden Gründen ist ihr Erfolg vielfach gleich Null.

95. Out of closely related grounds their success is repeatedly equal to nothing.

96. Doch der Neuzeitmensch, der Mensch der Wassermann-Aera steht jetzt einem leicht lösbaren Problem gegenüber, denn wenn er jetzt den Grundstein der Wahrheit legt, dann erlangt er eine vollständige neue Struktur philosophischer und psychologischer Werte für ein glückliches, freies und friedvolles geistiges Leben in der Zukunft.

96. Yet the human of the new time, the human of the Aquarius era, now stands opposite an easily solvable problem, because if he now lays the foundation stone of the truth, then he obtains a completely new structure of philosophical and psychological values for a happy, free and peaceful spiritual life in the future.

97. Ein freies geistiges Leben, das auf alles, was das Beste im kulturelle und geistigen Erbe der Erde darstellt, gegründet ist: Die geistige Wahrheit.

97. A free spiritual life, which is based on everything that describes the best in the cultural and spiritual inheritance of the Earth: the spiritual truth.

98. Wenn der Erdenmensch nun endlich diese Wahrheit erkennt und anerkennt, sich völlig frei von sämtlicheri Religionen und ihren Wahnvorstellungen macht und sich endlich nach den Geistes- und Schöpfungsgesetzen ausrichtet, dann hat er gesiegt.

98. If the Earth human now finally recognises and acknowledges this truth, makes himself fully free from all of the religions and their delusional imaginations and finally directs himself after the spiritual and creational laws, then he has been victorious.

99. Nur die Wahrheit ist dienlich und bringt dem Menschen Fortschritt; Religion aber ist dem Menschen undienlich und wirft ihn zurück in tiefste Finsternis.

99. Only the truth is serviceable and brings the human progress; but religion is unserviceable to the human and throws him back into the deepest darkness.

100. So ist die Lehre gegeben durch Semjase, die Tochter des JHWH Ptaah, auf dass der Mensch sie lerne und sie wisse.

100. So is the teaching given through Semjase, the daughter of JHWH Ptaah, so that the human learns it and knows it.

101. Es gibt für den Menschen, der zur Wahrheit geht, keine andere Fähre als das Wissen.

101. For the human who goes toward the truth, there is no other ferry boat than knowledge.

102. Und es gibt für den Menschen, der zum Wissen geht, keine andere Fähre als die Wahrheit.

102. And for the human who goes toward knowledge, there is no other ferry boat than the truth.

103. Dies ist die Wahrheit der Belehrung, belehrt weder hart noch weich, noch scharf, damit die Unwahrheit im Menschen durch die Wahrheit besiegt wird.

103. This is the truth of the instruction, taught neither hard nor soft, nor sharp, therewith the un-truth in the human would be conquered by the truth.

104. Gegeben im Namen der Schöpfung, auf dass sie gepriesen und geehrt sei für alle Zeit.

104. Given in the name of Creation, so that it be praised and honored for all time.

105. Preis sei der Schöpfung in Liebe und Wahrheit.

105. Praised be Creation in love and truth.

¹IHWH/IHRH (Ischwisch/Ischrisch) is a title/degree/diploma only, just like professor, etc. It means that a person (male/female) has gained the actual highest knowledge in a field, e.g. science, technology, spiritual teachings, or medicine, etc.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Susan Boyle - Cry Me A River - 1999 Recording (from The Scottish Daily Record Newspaper)


From the Daily Record Newspaper :-

From a charity CD made in 1999, of which only 1,000 copies were made.

YouTube - Susan Boyle - Cry Me A River - 1999 Recording (from The Scottish Daily Record)

She even has her own fan site set up already ~

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Vote Earth - Video

It's not about what country you are from, but what planet you are from. Your light switch is your vote. We need one billion votes for earth, because our planet is worth saving. Vote Earth by simply switching off your lights for one hour and join the world for Earth Hour. Saturday march 28th, 8:30-9:30pm.

Vote Earth - Video
Originally uploaded by Earth Hour Global

John Lennon Anthology - Thoughts by Yoko

John Lennon Anthology
John Lennon Anthology,
originally uploaded by Yoko Ono official.
Fascinating account of one of the most controversial subjects in recent history - The 70s, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Beatles, relationships, politics and the peace movement. Yoko is honest, witty, reflective and seems to avoid flowery dismissive or cover-up language. She appears to tell it like it was. I am thoroughly enjoying her reminiscences. ♥

Sunday, February 08, 2009

56-year-old becomes 1st woman to swim Atlantic

Very inspiring! ~ ]ean OM, age 56

56-year-old becomes 1st woman to swim Atlantic

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Jennifer Figge pressed her toes into the Caribbean sand, exhilarated and exhausted as she touched land this week for the first time in almost a month.

Reaching a beach in Trinidad, she became the first woman on record to swim across the Atlantic Ocean — a dream she'd had since the early 1960s, when a stormy trans-Atlantic flight got her thinking she could don a life vest and swim the rest of the way if needed.

The 56-year-old left the Cape Verde Islands off Africa's western coast on Jan. 12, swimming 19 out of 25 days battling waves of up to 30 feet. The distance from Cape Verde to Trinidad is roughly 700 miles. Crewmembers are still computing exactly how many miles she swam.

The original plan was for her to swim to the Bahamas — a distance of about 2,100 miles (3,380 miles) — but inclement forced them to change their plans and she arrived at Trinidad on Feb. 5. She now plans to swim from Trinidad to the British Virgin Islands, ending her odyssey at the Bitter End Yacht Club in late February.

Then it's home to Aspen, Colorado — where she trained for months in an outdoor pool amid snowy blizzards — to reunite with her Alaskan Malamute.

"My dog doesn't know where I am," she told The Associated Press on Saturday by phone. "It's time for me to get back home to Hank."

The dog swirled in her thoughts, as did family and friends, as Figge stroked through the chilly Atlantic waters escorted by a sailboat. She saw a pod of pilot whales, several turtles, dozens of dolphins, plenty of Portuguese man-of-war — but no sharks.

"I was never scared," Figge said. "Looking back, I wouldn't have it any other way. I can always swim in a pool."

Her journey comes a decade after French swimmer Benoit Lecomte made the first known solo trans-Atlantic swim, covering nearly 4,000 miles from Massachusetts to France in 73 days. No woman on record has made the crossing.

Figge woke most days around 7 a.m., eating pasta and baked potatoes while she and the crew assessed the weather. Her longest stint in the water was about eight hours, and her shortest was 21 minutes. Crewmembers would throw bottles of energy drinks as she swam; if the seas were too rough, divers would deliver them in person. At night she ate meat, fish and peanut butter, replenishing the estimated 8,000 calories she burned a day.

Figge wore a red cap and wet suit, with her only good-luck charm underneath: an old, red shirt to guard against chafing, signed by friends, relatives and her father, who recently died.

The other cherished possession she kept onboard was a picture of Gertrude Ederle, an American who became the first woman to swim across the English Channel.

"We have a few things in common," Figge said. "She wore a red hat and she was of German descent. We both talk to the sea, and neither one of us wanted to get out."

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press