Sunday, August 17, 2008

astro STAT

Sun Sign: Capricorn
Sun 21° Capricorn 16’
Capricorn Horoscope
for today »
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Moon 0° Sagittarius 51’
Sagittarius Horoscope
for today »
Rising Sign: Taurus
Ascendant 25° Taurus 29’
Taurus Horoscope
for today »


Your Sun Sign: Capricorn, 21° Capricorn 16’

Element: Earth
Key Planet: Saturn

The sure-footed Mountain Goat can climb to higher altitudes than any other mammal. And you sure-footed Capricorns are also well-suited for climbing. You set high goals for yourself and then you overcome whatever obstacles may appear between you and the top of your personal mountain. As you climb the ladder of success, your ambition pushes you forward. Status can be important to you and often, at the top of your game, you gain personal satisfaction by knowing that others respect you for what you have accomplished.

Motto: "If opportunity doesn’t knock, then build a door."
Greatest Strength: Your ability to overcome obstacles
Possible Weakness: Too much work and not enough play


Your Moon Sign: Sagittarius, 0° Sagittarius 51’

You need room to move and emotional space to explore whatever ideas or feelings arise within you. Getting locked into situations where you have to keep showing up and behaving in the same way all the time can be very boring. You’re hungry to explore the world and new concepts, ever searching for more experiences in life. Greener pastures call when the walls begin to close in. Optimism is your fuel, the source of nurturance that can keep you going when others might fall into despair. Knowing that life always has more to teach you can be your joyful wake-up call every day of your life.

Motto: "Tomorrow with be another day."
Greatest Strength: Emotional honesty
Possible Weakness: Avoiding making the hard decisions


Your Rising Sign: Taurus, 25° Taurus 29’

You come across as calm, steady and down to earth. That’s why people tend to trust you, which is exactly what you want. Avoiding conflict is a major part of your approach to the world, preferring to keep your feelings to yourself if that’s what it takes to maintain the peace. You appear patient and easygoing, rarely coming across as demanding or difficult. That helps keep people from pushing and probing, trying to find out what you really want. But it can be useful to let down your guard at times and be less in control of yourself if you want to grow closer with others.

Motto: "Don’t show them what you’re after."
Greatest Strength: Bringing a calm approach to tense situations
Possible Weakness: Resistance to revealing your true feelings


Your Chinese Sign: The Dragon
Element: Water


Mantra: Good luck runs my life.

The Dragon believes she is the ruler of the world. Self confident, very intelligent and talented -- most everything a Dragon attempts turns out great. Even when Dragons fail, they are rarely blamed, as their inspiration and enthusiasm evoke love and admiration. A Dragon’s view of other people is not always the best, however. The Dragon can lack patience and be intolerant of the opinions of others if they don’t agree with hers.


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